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Success Stories

BIO-ECOnomy Research Driven Innovation (BIOECO-R.D.I.) – (ADRION- INTERREG VB Adriatic – Ionian)

Period of Implementation: January 2018-December 2019

 BIOECO-R.D.I. project started in January of 2018 and was completed by December 2019. The aim of the project was to develop a Regional Innovation System for the area of Adriatic-Ionian that will be based on a structured bio-economy sector through the development of Research Driven Innovation (R.D.I.) strategy at regional and transnational level. This strategy identifies the main critical elements that characterize the region with regard to bioeconomy and puts forward recommendations in order to improve its deployment in the region. It consists of a critical output of the project due to the fact that it recognizes the necessity to enhance this sector in line with the current environmental trends by taking into consideration the specificities of the area and thus suggesting interventions that are linked to it in a strategic level closing in that way any gap at regional and transnational level.

Additionally, BIOECO-RDI had the aim to create a collaborative network among Adrion regions, enterprises and academia for collaborative research, knowledge transfer and skills development, support the enterprise and cluster in the transition process toward an industrial model with higher level of innovation and international collaboration, according with a Circular Economy approach. Against this background, the partners have organized a number of events and meetings at international level in order to discuss further the current situation in the field, show best practices, stimulate new partnerships and thus exploit the networking potential.

BIOECO-RDI managed in 2020 to join the broad Bioeconomy Network (EuBioNet), a proactive alliance of EU funded projects dealing with Bioeconomy promotion, communication, and support, promoted by the BIOVOICES project. This network maximizes the impact of the European Commission funded projects participating, creates opportunities and networks and significantly increases the awareness of bioeconomy in Europe, thanks to the joined efforts of the involved projects. The projects participating are nowadays almost 50 and they benefit from the mutual promotion of outcomes, new partnerships, joined event planning, and knowledge sharing. 

MOVECO – Mobilising Institutional Learning for Better Exploitation of Research and Innovation for the Circular Economy – (Interreg Danube)

Period of Implementation: December 2016- May 2019

The project started in December 2016 and was completed by May 2019. Its basic aim was to improve the institutional and infrastructural framework conditions and policy instruments for research & innovation to ensure a broader access to knowledge for the development of new technologies and the social dimension of innovation in the Danube area. Similarly, its targets consisted of the strengthening transnational partnership competent to implement the Circular Economy & meet its targets. Additionally, it aimed at developing a transnational strategy for the transition to a Circular Economy (identification of possible materials streams for the DR) and roadmaps for their implementation in the different innovation regions. With new services and tools for eco-design and eco innovation (Circular Economy Toolbox), MOVECO aims to support new business models and research-business cooperation along new value chains.

Project’s platform offers a wide range of services on the following: information on Circular Economy, promotion of collaboration models and finding of partners, offer a virtual marketplace in order to identify available supply and demand for waste and reusable products in the area of Danube. Other services concern tools regarding ideas, discussions and good practices and also linkages to other platforms. The most outstanding outcomes of the project can be summarized as follows: i) Transnational Strategy in order to accelerate the process of transition towards a Circular Economy in the region of Danube, and ii) Action Plan to Accelerate Transition Towards a Circular Economy in the Danube Region that puts forward clear messages to the stakeholders involved in the waste management system in order to boost the process of changing to more sustainable forms of resource management.