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Good practices

This section provides for good practices implemented generally in the area of Europe and some of the region of Apulia. More specifically:

Some of the most outstanding projects related to Circular Economy that were implemented in Europe are:

Supporting eco-innovation to reduce food waste and promote a better resource efficient economy (ECOWASTE4FOOD) – (ΙNTERREG Europe)

Period of Implementation: January 2017-December 2020

ECOWASTE4FOOD project brings together seven local and regional authorities from seven countries throughout Europe with the aim to address the crucial issue of food waste.

Local and regional authorities’ partners of the project work together, exchange their experiences and learn from each other, to promote in their territories eco-innovations to reduce food waste, as a way to move toward a smart sustainable and inclusive growth. These public authorities have committed themselves to improve their own policies during the four years duration of the project, in particular by influencing or even by raising existing ERDF funds within their regional operational programme 2014-2020 or equivalent.

Expansion of the CIRcular Economy concept in the Central Europe local productive districts (CIRCE2020) – (INTERREG VB Central Europe)

Period of Implementation: July 2017- June 2020

CIRCE2020 project aims to facilitate a larger uptake of integrated environmental management approach in five specific Central European industrial areas by changing patterns from single and sporadic company recycling interventions to an integrated redesign of industrial interactions based on the concept of circular economy. The goal is to introduce innovative cross-value chain waste governance models and transnational analytic tools to improve capacities of concerned waste public-private sector to reduce dependencies from primary natural resources within industrial processing. The project should also provide robust evidences about environmental and economic benefits from shifting to enhanced industrial symbiosis.

MOVECO – Mobilising Institutional Learning for Better Exploitation of Research and Innovation for the Circular Economy – (Interreg Danube)

Period of Implementation: December 2016- May 2019

The project aims at improving the institutional and infrastructural framework conditions and policy instruments for research & innovation to ensure a broader access to knowledge for the development of new technologies and the social dimension of innovation. MOVECO results include a strong transnational partnership competent to implement the Circular Economy & meet its targets. Based on a research on inefficiencies in innovation in current Extended Producer Responsibility schemes and related R&D services, we will develop a transnational strategy for the transistion to the Circular Economy (identification of possible materials streams for the DR) and roadmaps for their implementation in the different innovation regions. With new services and tools for eco-design and eco innovation (Circular Economy Toolbox), MOVECO will support new business models and research-business cooperation along new value chains.

At regional level and more specifically for the area of Apulia the most outstanding are summarized as follows:


It is an initiative of the A.P.S. Farina 080 a non-profit association has been operating in the city of Bari since 2015 and proposes social innovation actions and initiatives against food waste for social and ecological purposes. The project aims to spread the activation of citizenship against food waste. With the project platform you can do food sharing and exchange food at waste risk, 1-to-1 between donor and recipient.


It is an Italian, family-run company based in Troia (Foggia, Apulia), working for developing, manufacturing and delivering innovative solutions that optimize the supply chain in the food, chemical, environmental and automotive arenas. ECEPLAST provides a wide range of packaging solutions for dry or liquid bulk goods, developed to optimize the Supply Chain, while mitigating an environmental impact. More information found here:


It provides advanced bioplastic-based solutions. It counts on a proprietary technology to reuse wastewater to get high performance bioplastics through a zero (0) waste process. EggPlant aims at contributing towards a more reasonable and balanced development model that ensures economic, social and environmental sustainability, by leveraging on two big environmental and social problems, such as the wastewater disposal and the pollution coming from traditional hydrocarbons-based plastics. For more information please click here:

FIUSIS srl – Calimera (Le) – ENERGY

Fiusis srl produces electricity thanks to the combustion of virgin wood chips collected in the Salento countryside as a scrap from the pruning of olive trees. Since 2010 it has created a local supply chain for biomass, fully integrating with the surrounding area. The Fiusis plant has created jobs for about 30 employees, in addition to the real benefit it generates to farmers in terms of reducing residual biomass management costs. More information can be found here:

MAJRA – Cassano delle Murge (Ba) – TEXTILE

The company Majra Moda Maglierie has been producing men’s and women’s sweaters since 1988. It uses technology and labor of the “made in Italy“. In 2018 the company launched a new ecological clothing line called “Fortunale“. “Fortunale” is a totally ecological line, made with organic yarns (from non-intensive farms) and colored with plant fibers (flowers, leaves, berries, roots). The project foresees that the entire production cycle respects the principles of the circular economy, each material can be recycled or reused. More information can be found here:


Revì designing “green” furnishings starting from the transformation of a piece of furniture. It generates benefits both in ecological terms and in terms of environmental protection.
The team is made up of designers, architects, makers, digital artisans, who share a passion for “make”. They believe that only by safeguarding our planet will there be true innovation, and that recycling is the way to get there. More information can be found here:


BioFaber was born in 2015. It operates in the field of new nano-structured bio-materials, especially in the production of cellulose of bacterial origin, with the aim of producing sustainable and natural objects and solutions obtained from renewable resources and food waste. For more information, follow this link:


Sfregola Materie Plastiche is a leading company in the world of plastics processing for over 50 years. It produces bags and bags in regenerated PE, biodegradable and compostable bags according to EN, of every size and thickness, for differentiated collection – multi material collection – “door to door” collection – (Urban Solid Waste) – organic collection – cyclic and special waste , compostable shoppers for the fruit and vegetable sector, also perfumed and in customizable packages. More information can be found here: Http://